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10 ways to be supportive of a friend who has just had a baby.


If you’re not a parent yourself, it can be hard to know how to be supportive of a friend who has just had a baby. It can be hard to know what to say, when to visit, what help to offer, and what gift to bring. As the owner of a baby gift boutique, and a mum of two myself, I’m here to share you some of the best ways you can show your support for your friend who has just had a baby.

1)      Text and ask when they would like visitors:

No one likes receiving calls these days, especially new parents who might be sleeping at odd hours, spending time getting baby to sleep, or just not wanting to spend time on the phone. So text them after they are home from hospital and ask when is a good time for you to come and visit. Wait until they specify a good time. They might have family around, they might be wanting to have a quiet time, or they might be desperate to see their friends again. Let them take the lead and tell you when is a good time to visit.

2)      Always bring food:

One thing a new mother needs more than anything else is good food. And it’s probably the time when she least feels like cooking. Bringing her a nice home cooked meal or some really delicious and nutritious snacks is a really great way to show your love and support for your friend after her baby is born. While these days we have access to all sorts of meal delivery services, there is nothing like a home cooked meal. If you visit more than once during the newborn period, bring food each time. It will be truly appreciated.

3)      Don’t arrive empty handed:

Buying gifts for a newborn is a joy and something that many friends and loved ones enjoy doing for those who have just had a baby. Our best advice for gifting is to always buy something for the special new mum, as well as baby, and to buy something practical that will be used every day by the new parents. Check out some of our gift ideas here, and gift hampers here.

4)      Look after them when you visit:

Don’t expect the new parents to wait on you when you visit. Make the tea or coffee for them. Bring the food for you to share, and don’t expect them to rush around after you. Being supportive on the first visit means doing as much as you can to help.

5)      Listen to the parents' wishes about the baby:

Every new mum and dad is going to be different. I have seen lots of online comments talking about how new mums don’t want other people to hold their babies for long periods, or how they want their guests to give the baby back as soon as they cry. We all love a good baby snuggle, but respect the parents wishes on this one.

6)      Bring groceries or other supplies that they need:

Text the new parents before you visit and ask them what they need. They may first insist they don’t need anything, but you may be able to insist, or just bring some staples anyway. New parents are always in need of snacks, nappies, and good meals. Bringing a few bags of groceries and supplies can really help out the new parents when they are sleep-deprived and dealing with the realities of newborn life.

7)      Bring something for older children:

If there are older children in the family, it’s common for them to feel left out and also struggle with the newborn arriving home. Bringing something special for the older sibling is a lovely way to make them feel special and included as well. This does not need to be anything big, something small like a colouring book, or a special snack just for them make great gifts. This can also help keep the older children occupied at the time while the new parents take care of the baby.

8)      Check in on the new parents regularly and ask how they are:

Having a newborn can be challenging, so check in regularly with your friends and find out how they are doing. Send them supportive messages and check in to see how they are feeling. If they are struggling with anything, offer practical support and encouragement, and remind them that they are loved.

9)      Offer to do some chores:

Ask the new parents if there is anything that you can do to help them. Insist, and keep offering if they refuse at first. Offer to take a load of laundry home and return it clean and folded. Offer to run any errands or just wash the dishes. Every little act of support is super helpful for new parents.

10)   Offer kind and supportive words:

Being a first time parent is hard, and hearing kind and supportive words is one of the best ways for new parents to feel better about their situation. Avoid any unsolicited advice, and avoid any negative comments. Tell them they are doing a great job, and talk about how great of a mum/dad they are and how lucky their baby is to have them. This will make a huge difference and can really help a new parent’s confidence.


Here are your top 10 ways to be a supportive friend for a special loved one after they have their baby. You’ll be sure to make a huge difference for the new parents when you follow each of these recommendations, and the new parents will thank you for it. Remember to check out gift hampers and baby gifts from Baby and Mumma Gifts, and show your love and support to new parents with a beautiful gift.



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